Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Top 12 & Bits n' Bites

Before I start, I want to bring everyone's attention to the greatest band of all time....silverchair. You're free to disagree, but if you're not familiar with them, please google them before you chalk my ramblings up to complete B.S. I recommend "Too Much of Not Enough", "After All These Years", "Across the Night", "The Greatest View", "Miss You Love"......well, I recommend all of them, but start with those. They're so fab it's almost hard to believe, and it's inexplicable that they haven't caught on in North America. And for all you ladies, even if you don't like the music (which you better, b/c it's awesome), drink in the sweet and beautiful face of Daniel Johns. God help me, I'd still have his babies.

Ahem, anyway, I digress.


Big Brother would be nothing without Matt and his nutjob ex-partner, so I'm glad Ryan didn't backdoor him. I mean really, is Natalie the person you're going to let in on a secret plan to get rid of "Matty"? You know she's going to sing like a canary at her first opportunity, in hopes that sharing a secret will make him want to make out with her.

Anyway, I think Sheila is rockin' that red unitard, nevermind that she's 45 friggin years old.

Ryan is the cutest, but he's not very swift.

I can't wait to see who they bring back, as long as it's not Jen. That would be annoying, but it's also the most likely scenario.


I'm still tuning into that "Girlicious" show, I can't help it. It's like a car accident, so grotesque that you just can't look away. I won't bother giving you analysis, since I know I'm probably the only human being in Canada who watches it. Yes, I realize how sad and pathetic that is.


So, down to business. Finally we're at the top 12.

Syesha - Who? Pretty boring. She got the worst spot (having to go first), so she should have done a recognizable song instead of that snoozer she performed. And by performed, I mean stood like a rock in the middle of the stage, with the exception of hopping around a few times to make it look like she was comfortable up there, which she clearly was not. I think she'll be in the bottom 3. Is it a bottom 3 or a bottom 2? Whatever, she's very expendable.

Chikezie - WHAT!!! Chikezie did a bang up job last night, I thought he was awesome! And this is coming from someone who IS NOT a Chikezie fan. I still don't think he's got the goods to make it very far, but last night he stole the show.

Ramiele - Boring. Great voice, but boring song, boring performance, and hideous dress. Note to Ramiele: when PAULA FRICKIN ABDUL compliments your dress, steer away from anything that looks remotely like it. I think she'll stay, as she should, but she better start making better song choices.

Jason - Awesome voice, clearest skin I've ever seen, disgusting hair, total lack of social grace. Will he win? Not likely, but I bet he'll make a great indie album. He's an awesome singer.

David H. - An old "Tiffany" track? How camp. This guy is too "wedding reception" and not enough "MTV video music awards". I put him in the bottom 3 tonight.

Amanda - I can't even say anything else about her, she sickens me. She looks like Elvira and sings like a trucker with laryngitis. GO HOME! YOU DON'T BELONG!

Brooke - Meh. Her voice is inferior to the other contestants, but she keeps picking the perfect song. Good for her, I suppose, but I'm not a fan. And as a side note, she looks like the chick from "Three Men & a Baby", especially when she smiles.

Carly - Not my favorite song for her, but the judges seemed to like it, and her voice is beyond incredible. LOVE her. I think she'll win.

David C. - Again, not my favorite song wise, but man that guy can sing. Love him too, but I predict a 3rd place finish for him (possibly 2nd if Archuleta's charm wears off).

Kristy - Goodbye and good luck. She'll be going home tonight.

Michael - This guy is too sexy for words and I have a huge crush on him, so I might be a little biased. Still, I thought his performance was good, and he's got a great voice.

David A. - Archuleta gets the pimp spot and mucks up the words? What? That sucks! He's so cute and has a great voice, but he's a social mongrel. He can't even string together a sentence in interviews, so while he might be a good vocalist, he's not polished or mature enough to be a star. Since AI is part singing competition and part high school calibre popularity contest having little to go with vocal talent, I'm sure he'll continue to do well, possibly coming in as high as 2nd place.

Until tomorrow!

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