Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Top 10

I won't bother recapping Big Brother b/c the show is boring and I'm only watching it b/c I started it and feel obligated to finish until the season is over. Every now and then, I have the urge to jump through the screen and punch Chelsia in the face, but usually I don't care enough to even think about making the effort. Hopefully she'll be going home tonight, but my luck she'll win the whole thing.


Girlicious quote of the week: "Beauty is a talent. I happen to have been born beautiful, but the talent part is in me remaining beautiful, which takes a bit of work. Not everyone can be as pretty as me, even if they try, so I consider beauty to be a talent for me." Or something to that effect. Whatever Natalie's exact words were, trust me, they were equally obnoxious and delusional. If you can believe it, I'm still watching "Girlicious". I know, no one is more shocked than me. Don't waste your time.


I skipped my recap about last week's AI, mostly b/c I was bored of them milking the Lennon/MacCartney songbook, but also b/c last week was complete chaos in my house. At least that awful rocker chick went home, leaving a much more relevant top 10, who last night sang songs of the 80s.

A few short notes before I go on......first of all, whoever told Paula to wear those gloves should be fired. She looked like an extra from "Desperately Seeking Susan", and I was completely distracted. Not only that, but her incoherence is out of control lately. It was all funny ha-ha when she'd ramble for a second and not make any sense, but these days she isn't even able to string words into sentences, nor does she have any fluidity to her speech. It's all broken and choppy..."you know just have...I'm not sure....your ability to leap...maybe not completely but...the colors of your's.....I don't know...keep....I think you're fantastic." Huh? Sit down, Paula. The grown ups are talking.

Also, I was thrilled that the music had such potential to be awesome, seeing as most of the contestants were born in the 80s (and since the theme was "Hit from the Year You Were Born"). I was SOOOOOOO disappointed that nobody took on anything by Debbie Gibson or Tiffany, or someone like that. It's the 80s people! There is so much to choose from, why settle on boring songs that nobody has ever heard of? Grrr, so frustrating.

One last contestant was born the same year as my husband graduated from high school, which he was horrified by, and which I found to be hilarious.

Ramiele - Awesome song, but silly girl, thinking she could sing it as well as Carrie Underwood (who did it on 80s night a few seasons ago). This girl has a fantastic voice, but she always picks the wrong song and doesn't appeal to as many viewers as she needs to. I'm sure she'll get through this week b/c she played the "I'm sick" card, but she doesn't have many more weeks left. And also, she was dressed like Olivia Newton John, which didn't earn her any points with me. My God this girl has no taste in fashion. Her singing position combined with her performance might land her in the bottom 3 tonight.

Brooke - I'm still not as big a fan of this girl as everyone else seems to be. Props to her for being pretty awesome on the piano, and for starting over when she found her pitch was off, and also for straightening her hair (HUGE improvement). I think she's the weakest vocalist (next to Kristy), but I know I'm in the minority. I'm just surprised Simon likes her so much.

Jason - His charm is wearing off, and fast. I think the screaming legions of girlie-girls will keep him there awhile, but his performances are getting stale, and his interviews are becoming painful. Needless to say, it seems as though he indulges in plenty of "feel-good herb" before he takes the stage. Nobody THAT socially incompetent would ever win American Idol, sorry girlie-girls.

Syesha - Even though this girl has a great voice, if she doesn't start picking better songs, she's going to be kicked off soon. Not that the songs she picks aren't great for her voice, but they're not familiar to anyone. And as we all know, since the American viewing public have the attention span of mosquitoes, they're not going to vote for some old, obscure 1987 sleeper tribute to motown just b/c she sang it well. Not going to happen.

Chikezie - Same deal. Nobody wants to hear old soul music. Move it along. Possibly bottom 3 tonight.

Michael Johns - Oh. My. God. Loved it. Love him. Great performance. He's very Michael Hutchence, mixed with Jim Morrison, mixed with a full 2 cups of sexy beast. Love him. He won't win, and I probably won't buy his album, but I'd probably go to his concert.

Carly - Every time I hear the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" I think of Warren Fougere and how much he hates it. I'm not a fan either, and I wish Carly would have picked something else. That being said, have you ever tried to SING that song? I can tell you, it's not easy to sing it period, let alone to sing it well. She sang it well (with the exception of those few bum notes at the end), but she needs to step it up in order to win. I'm not impressed with her recent lack of progress.

David Archuleta - I actually knew that song he did last night, but Simon was right when he said David didn't pick it. David's DAD, the crazy pressure-demon who's now barred from going backstage at AI, I have a feeling he picked it. David sang it well-ish, but unless he pulls another "Imagine" out of his hat, he won't win, especially with the herd thinning and the competition getting more stiff all the time.

Kristy - She's not even relevant. I'm not sure if she'll go home tonight, but she'll certainly be in the bottom 3 again, and if not leaving tonight, within the next 2 weeks.

David Cook - I can already envision myself driving to WalMart and buying this guy's album. He's fantastic and talented and so intuitive in terms of what works and what doesn't, and he's moving ahead of Carly in my books. He might already be above her. Ya, he officially is, espeically after last night. I mean really, who else could have turned Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean" into a rock ballad, and done such an amazing job? Uh, hello! Nobody! I'm changing my vote from Carly to David Cook as the winner. Sorry Carly, your voice is better, but you're falling behind. Atta boy, David.


Lianne MacNeil said...


I don't watch AI or BB or Girly show but I THOROUGHLY enjoy reading what you have to say about them. Lately I'm into TLC's "I can make you thin" (have you seen that? It's awesome!) and "Moment of Truth"....have you friggin seen that show?? It's retarded!! It's like watching Britney & Amy Winehouse (if they were real people) go down on TV.

Anyhow, today.....I have to tell you that this was my fave part of your blog story:

"One last contestant was born the same year as my husband graduated from high school, which he was horrified by, and which I found to be hilarious."

Sadly, you can let your hubby know that I also find it hilarious!!! So frickin funny! I went to TMZ's list to see what 80's songs these AI people sang and now I know I'm old.....but your hubby is older!! LOL

Great post!

Anonymous said...

Hahahah ahhh Gina You have a way with words. I have to agree with basically EVERYTING you said in this blog..

Also like the girl said above, I love to watch TLC..aand I bet you would like it too. '10 years younger' - 'What not to wear' they are all funny.

You are defintly good at what you do