Tuesday, May 6, 2008

American Idol Top 4

I haven't done one of these in a few weeks b/c it's a battle of the Davids, and everyone else is more or less obsolete. So what if Syesha had a "good week" (as far as some are concerned), do you think she really has a chance at beating the Davids? Ya, that's what I thought.
But anyway, since I'm waiting for the results of the Indiana primary, I have a few minutes to kill.

So now we're into the 2-songs-each stage of the show. First up was David Cook, who sang "Hungry Like the Wolf". Um, hello?? Who loves Duran Duran? I do! I do! LOVE Duran Duran. And if you add David Cook with a good DD song, the results are....well, they honestly weren't as great as they should have been. I don't know what the problem was, but it didn't come off as well as I had hoped. It's like he just paced aimlessly around the stage until the song was over. Not a bad vocal, but not a great performance. Maybe if he would have caked on the Simon LeBon guy-liner and leopard-skin pants or something, but there was just no "wow" factor.
His next song was Teenage Wasteland by The Who. Meh. Whatever, not my favorite song for sure. Reminds me of something John Cusack would have on his iPod. A few bum notes, but all in all it was a good vocal. Yet, there was still something important missing, that David Cook polish and originality that I have come to expect and enjoy. He must have felt quite a bit of pressure, being the resident rocker, but I think he could have chose better songs and really shined tonight, and unfortunately he didn't step up to the plate. I'm sure he's safe, but he better get his ass back in gear.

Syesha. Oh my god, enough already. Tina Turner, yikes...it was like Beyonce on downers. And who, Sam Cook or something? Whatever. As soon as she heard Simon criticize her, the waterworks started. "blah blah blah, civil rights movement, yadda yadda". Oh snap! You played the race card? How desperate!
Yes, she has a good voice. But so does Robin Williams and so does Donkey from Shrek, and you don't see them on AI. Above average pitch control and steady vibrato aren't enough to make an Idol. Broadway, sure. Maybe a Vh1 Diana Ross tribute. But not special enough to beat the likes of David Cook. Sorry, honey. Voices like yours can be found in any ghetto in the US. Perhaps she's cried her way into one more week, but if not this week, next week for sure.

Jason Castro. Could this guy be more stoned? He might be pretty, but tonight he screwed up and he knows it. I didn't think he was good enogh from the beginning, but his female fanbase didn't seem to care much. Tonight's massive flubs might be enough to book him a ticket home. Doesn't matter much anyway, does it?

Archuleta looks like he's about to crap his pants every time he finishes a song. Truly, sometimes I expect Fox to cut quickly to commercial because he's defecated in his pants. It's painful. Still, the little bugger can sing. I'd almost like to see him win, since the sugar-coated, pre-written AI songs will suit him better than David Cook. He was great tonight, can't take it away from him.

Anyway, I'll be back when Castro and Whitney, er, I mean Syesha, are eliminated.

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