Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Late Night Obama-ing

A few thoughts...

After 18 months of close observation and many late nights spent with Anderson Cooper, I just watched a black man become President of the United States. Pretty important stuff.

Not only did he win, he won by a greater margin than any President since Lyndon Johnson.

That's a big step for Americans.

And while the black commentator from CNN was so emotional and over-dramatic that I was almost peeing my pants, that is not the reason I'm up at 1am.

As far as the world has come tonight and as much as it's going to change, I'm up to watch Obama's acceptance speech to be sure he's not assassinated. Scary, but sadly not out of the question.

I am quite confident in a few things:
1) Hillbillies, rednecks and racists from West Virginia to Tennesee, are probably running around in circles, pulling their hair out and shooting each other for lack of a better outlet for their rage.
2) Old people are probably upping their meds, likely incredulous that "one of those negroes" is the leader of their country.
3) Religous types are probably planning a mass suicide because the next President is "muslim".
4) Elisabeth Hasselbeck is teetering on the edge of the George Washington bridge.

Slight exaggerations, but I'm overtired and not entirely off the mark.

We need to let Barack Obama be a President and not just a black President. He's a smart and inspirational visionary with loads of potential, and it is my hope that he gets the fair and full opportunity to show that to the world. Let the small minded people be left to stew while the rest of us prosper.

I'm going to bed now, and Obama better be alive and well when I wake up in the morning. If he isn't, the skeptical faith I have had restored by the American people will disappear.

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