Thursday, October 30, 2008

To the Dog People

Dear Dog People,

This has been a very interesting week for me. I've written about political scandal, racism, crime, and lots of other important topics. Some I expected to be controversial and unpopular, and I've received a few letters to that affect. But never....NEVER....have I seen such an unbelievable stink as with that dog article. Not only the comments you see here, but in a letter to the editor and in personal emails.

To be clear, I have a dog. I've had a few dogs, all of which were loved and very well taken care of. I think it's mean and cruel when people DON'T take care of their dogs, and I would never suggest compromising proper care for your pet. If it's cold, make sure they're inside. If their nails are too long, get them clipped. If they're pacing around the door, yes, they're communicating by making known their desire to go outside and pee.

But these "soundbites" about my being ignorant and uncaring, in comparison with the statements I made in my article, are apples and oranges.
Apples and oranges.

I did not criticize people for grooming their pet, but there is a big difference between getting a dog's nails clipped to ensure his comfort and health, and spending $30 on a Ruby Red paint job so that all your friends can gush about how Muffy the Poodle's claws are the envy of pooches up and down the block. Don't you see a difference?

I did not criticize people for buying their dog a sweater for the purposes of warmth and comfort, but there is a big difference between buying a dog sweater as outerwear to keep your pup warm, and making sure he's in his best Marc Jacobs jacket for a trip to the mall in the middle of May.

I did not criticize people for communicating and relating with their pets, but there is a big difference between tail-wagging and face-licking, and "I love you, Mommy."

Many of the criticisms that have come my way over the past week have been based on statements in my article taken completely and intentionally out of context, for the purposes of making me out to be a dog-hater, in order to distract from the validity of my arguements.

"Why are you complaining about the dog birthday party? It didn't affect you, you should just mind your own business." Not completely true, since I choose to live in a society that does not advocate people holding pets to a higher standard of consideration and treatment than the people around them. It is my business when people around me start to develop an attitude and behavior that dictates their dogs deserve a birthday party as much as a little girl down the street who's parents can't afford to throw her one. And it became my business to criticize a dogs-are-as-important-as-children mind set when it's sitting in my living room.

You are free to think of me as an imbicile if you wish, but by the same rule, I am just as free to think of many dog lunatics as crazy dog lunatics. There is something to be said of excess and perspective (and humor, for that matter) that is lost on far too many, and that completely validates the content and intention of my article.

I trust this matter is now closed. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Jeez, people; learn how to take a joke and tolerate satire. If you can't, at least be honest in your own ignorance and resentment.


Anonymous said...

Okay first of all I don't think any of this was out of content. If the little girls's parents down the street can't afford a b-day party then maybe they shouldn't have kids??? Really how may dogs in your life time have you seen with toe nail polish???? REALLY??? I think the reason why people are so upset with this article is that there so sooooooo many people that have pets and don't take care of them. This is a topic that should be reconized and taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

You are missing the point i think. I agree there is a difference between taking care of your dog and going nuts. neither blog that I read was about people not taking care of there dog so stop trying to make it out to be like that. People are upset with this article bc it shows how vain people are and makes them look stupid for wasteing money on their dogs when the dog doesnt even care,its only for show. I have a dog that I love a small dog that ok yes i had a party for the first year I had her, but that was before I realized that I could love my dog and take care of it without wasting money and making a fool of myself. Don't make this uproar about how some people don't take care of their dogs bc its nnot. I dont think she was being serious in the first place and eveeryone is blowing it out of proportino.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you rhink it is a waist of money for a birthday party, that's fine. But don't judge others.

Michelle Symes said...

Hey Gina,

Having read your two articles, I must now confess that I think I might be a *tiny* bit of a dog lunatic. Amigo has had a party every year to celebrate the day we adopted him, wears Halloween costumes, and sleeps in the kid's beds. I don't at all- for a second even- think that he is more important in any way than our kids, but the parties and costumes are something we do because the kids like it and think it's funny (not to mention the fact that when we have Amigo's party there's LOTS of extra cake).

Having said all that, I don't believe (in fact I know) that the most important things you can give your dog are love, food, and exercise. All the rest is just extra.

Agree to disagree? You bet!

Later, Michelle :)