Tuesday, December 11, 2007


As I'm sure many have noticed, many comments about the Paula Gallant blog are no longer visible.

I apologize to everyone who comes on a regular basis to read the comments, as I know it serves as a source of comfort for many people. I would love to be able to provide a place for honest dialogue about this case, and I didn't want to have to discontinue such a passionate discussion, but unfortunately there are legal issues surrounding some of the comments that I have to be weary of. I understand that people are very frustrated at the lack of progress, but speculation has quickly turned into accusations, and this is where the legality of some of the comments gets hazy, especially when it comes to calling people by name. Whether or not I agree with the comments is irrelevant; it's a question of whether I am willing to be held legally responsible for the opinions of others. And as much as I feel passionately about finding the person responsible for Paula's murderer, and helping her family in any way that I can, I have to consider the legal ramifications that are on the horizon.

Up to now, I have approved every single comment, regardless of content. But for the legal reasons stated above, all comments that were accusatory or defamatory in nature have been removed, and I will no longer be able to approve comments of this kind. Comments can still be left, and I hope they are, but I have to ask that people refrain from calling people by name, or by association to the victim, in reference to their possible involvement in the case.

I hope everyone understands my decision, as it was a difficult one to make. Though I have no relation to the Gallant family, I feel a sense of responsibility when it comes to this case, in terms of giving people a place to congregate in Paula's name. I appreciate so many people giving a part of themselves to this website, and I will continue to read every comment that is received, whether I am able to post it or not.

Very sincerely,


Anonymous said...

Your interest in The Paula Gallant case is very nice but you know that as time passes the majority of the public will forget and at the mention of her name will ask "who is Paula Gallant". I know there are a lot of people who will never forget and by talking about it will keep it in our minds.Thanks for keeping it in our minds. There are so many ifs and people are kept wondering how this could have happened. When she first went missing I thought she may have just runaway from problems no one knew about, but when her body was found I could only wonder how this could have happened. I hope someday there will be closure to this case for all and especially her family.

Anonymous said...

I feel no comfort in knowing Paula was murdered.
I feel no comfort in knowing that there is still only one suspect the police have named.
I feel no comfort in that Anna will have no Paula to raise her.
I feel no comfort in that Jason refuses to let Anna see her Gallant relatives especially at Christmas time.
I feel know comfort that I will never see Paula dance again or sing slightly off key or uniquely.
I feel no comfort that the police probably blothched this case.
I feel no comfort that it has been two years without an arrest.
I feel no comfort knowing that the murderer is still sucking the same air that I breathe and he was the one who took Paula's away from her, forever.
I feel no comfort this Christmas season, I miss Paula.
I feel no comfort in hearing that Jason MacRae needs to be sheltered. Jason MacRae hasn't done enough to help find answers to Paula's murder. Write down what Lynn and Lana did on one side of a paper and you would have hundreds of things big and small. Hundreds!
On the other side you would have that Jason kept Anna from Lynn and Lana. I can't think of anything else. These aren't accusations - these are facts.
I do take sonme comfort from that.

Anonymous said...

It isn't Jason MacRae who hasn't done enough to find Paula's murderer, it is the police. It is their job not anyone else's. Jason's job is to raise and protect his beautiful daughter and that is exactly what he is doing.
As to why Lynn and Lana do not see Anna please see comments attached to the articles in the Herald today, December 27th 2007.
I pray Paula's murderer is found and all the family can move on with their lives as best as they can. Rest in peace Paula.

Anonymous said...

~ created a web site in Paula's honour

~ created Paula's Place at the BLT school

~ went door to door asking for neighbour's information and assistance

~ put a marker on Paula's grave

~ planned all the funeral arrangements

~ arranged Paula's wake

~ granted interviews to the press to talk about Paula on over 40 occasions

~ created the Paula's P campaign

~ collected all the children's artwork created in Paula's name

~ held a community event at the BLT school to launch Paula's web site

~ held a community event in Glace Bay to launch Paula's web site

~ held an auction and dinner to raise awareness and money for Paula's Place

~ held public grave side prayer services

~ held special masses in Paula's honour

~ hired a lawyer to ensure that Anna wouldn't for one moment become a ward of the state

~ held an official dedication of Paula's Place and allowed CBC suppertime news to broadcast at the same time

~ setup Anna's Trust Fund

~ are in constant contact with police to help resolve Paula's murder

~ held a 100 day vigil

~ held a 500 day vigil

~ made a public sister's plea for the public assistance

~ allowed a street to be renamed Paula Drive in her honour

~ demanded an extension to the $50,000 reward program

~ assisted in making of crime stoppers video...

~ nothing

Anonymous said...

Greetings im new to this. I came accross this board I find It extremely useful & it's helped me out a great deal. I should be able to contribute & aid other people like it has helped me.

Thanks a load, See You Later.

Anonymous said...

An arrest has been made!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seems the police have done a great job. Better to be diligent and end up with an arrest and conviction than to storm in without a firm case. Well done. Poor little Anna....she is such a victim in this whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Let the lawyers hammer out the evidence...until then he's innocent! Leave his friends and family alone!

Anonymous said...

At least now the girl will be with her aunts, where she belongs.