Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More news!

I haven't been neglecting my blogging duties, I've been holding off on purpose.
I recently got a job with the Cape Breton Post, for whom I'll be writing a twice-weekly column starting next week. Because I'm expected to produce 2 new articles every week from here on in, I've been writing up a storm and storing them all without posting on here. Starting next week, I'll post all the new ones on here the day after they're published.
Also, b/c I'm giving the Post exclusive rights to all my work, I won't be writing for the Reporter anymore. That sucks, b/c I would really like to keep writing for them, especially since lots of ppl from home read that paper on a regular basis. However, that's the business of journalism and publishing I guess, so I'm movin' on up! I hope everyone gets a chance to check out the Post next week!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Gina You really are moving up. So happy for you, I read the CBP on-line, couldn't do that with the Port Hawksbury paper

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Gina!! We are really looking forward to reading more from you.
Sharon and Brent

Anonymous said...

Congrats Gina...hope it works out well for you...take care